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First document in a series of ICS documents

Requirements for Saddle Stitching, Soft-cover and Hardcover Binding

Standardized metadata embedded in structured PDL data

Use of PrintTalk and JDF to convey customers requirements to a print provider

This ICS specifies three levels of Conformance Requirements (levels 1 to 3) for a subset of JDF defined for Integrated Digital Printing (IDP)

Communication using Job Messaging Format (JMF)

Interface between a layout creation tool and a Consumer

Interoperability between MIS and production equipment

Requirements for JDF Sheet-Fed Offset Printing

Interface between the MIS and Postpress Controller

Interface between an MIS system and a prepress system

Requirements for JDF News Printing

Requirements for JDF Commercial Web Printing

Digital Printing

Interface between a Prepress and Conventional Printing

This ICS identifies a relatively small subset of JDF for digital Wide Format printing

View/Download PrintTalk and XJDF ICS Documents

The following ICS documents specify PrintTalk requirements in connection with XJDF.


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Business transactions between a Print Buyer and a Print Provider

Base communication between the production devices and MIS

Exchange of quality control data between Customer and Print Provider

Exchange of quality control data between MIS or print production system and quality measurement devices