Additional Resources of Information

Below the  Books section you will find the Videos, next  Slides and then  White Papers.


Unfortunately, there are only few books on CIP4 topics. We have listed four, even if it looks a bit more at first sight.

  • Workflow Automation (English)
  • Standards in Media Production (German, Chinese)
  • XJDF (English)
  • JDF Workflow (English, French, German, Russian, Spanish)

We have indicated the respective translations individually in the overview below. The German, Spanish and the Russian version of "JDF Workflow" can be downloaded for free.

Below the Books section you will find the Slides section, next White Papers and then Videos.

Workflow Automation

Basic Concepts of Workflow Automation in the Graphic Arts Industry

Gives an up-to-date overview of workflow automation in the graphic arts

Explains the communication between the individual management and
production components

Describes how the communication between print buyer and print provider

Author: Thomas Hoffmann-Walbeck
ISBN 978-3-030-84781-4 (print), ISBN 978-3-030-84782-1 (eBook)

Read more … Workflow Automation

XJDF - Exchange Job Definition Format

    This publication is an introduction to XJDF and focuses on the technical implementation.

The book identifies and discusses the core concepts behind XJDF. Working with XJDF requires both programming experience and some knowledge about printing. This makes XJDF challenging for many developers.



Author: Stefan Meissner
ASIN: 3000556044

Read more … XJDF - Exchange Job Definition Format

Standards in der Medienproduktion

Standards der Medienproduktion            Von HTML5 über PDF zu E-Books und Apps

Ein Team aus Professoren und akademischen Mitarbeitern der Hochschule der Medien (HdM) haben mit "Standards in der Medienproduktion" das erste deutsche Fachbuch veröffentlicht, das den gesamten Premedia-Bereich abdeckt. Die Publikation richtet sich an Studierende und Praktiker der Medienproduktion.


Autoren: Hoffmann-Walbeck, Th., Zimmermann, G., Hedler, M., Homann, J.-P., Henka, A., Riegel, S., Gerlicher, A., Goik, M., Strobbe, C.
ISBN 978-3-642-15042-5 (print)
ISBN  978-3-642-15043-2 (e-Book)

Read more … Standards in der Medienproduktion


Standards der Medienproduktion


著 者:[德] 托马斯·霍夫曼-瓦贝克 等

译 者:金 杨

审 校:刘浩学

ISBN 978-7-5142-2966-0


印 次:2020年8月第1版 2020年8月第1次印刷

定 价:238.00元

出版发行:文化发展出版社(北京市翠微路2号 邮编:100036)
网 址
经 销:各地新华书店

Read more … 媒体生产标准

Der JDF-Workflow

    Der JDF-Workflow - Lehrbuch zur Automatisierung in der graphischen Industrie

Bietet einen aktuellen Überblick über die Workflow-Automatisierung in der grafischen Industrie Industrie

Erläutert die Kommunikation zwischen den einzelnen Management- und

Beschreibt, wie die Kommunikation zwischen Drucksacheneinkäufer und Druckdienstleister funktioniert

Author: Thomas Hoffmann-Walbeck, Sebastian Riegel
ISBN 978-3-88013-675-5
Verlag Beruf und Schule

Download (kostenlos)

Read more … Der JDF-Workflow

JDF Workflow

JDF Workflow    JDF Workflow: A Guide to Automation in the Graphic Communications Industry

Job Definition Format (JDF) and Job Messaging Format (JMF), based on the XML standard, provide one of the most important recent innovations for the automation of print production. JDF Workflow: A Guide to Automation in the Graphic Communications Industry, demonstrates that it is more than just a data format by providing a comprehensive examination of the format as well as the workflow that can be built with the help of JDF.


AuthorsThomas Hoffmann-Walbeck, Sebastian Riegel
Translation of the textbook "Der JDF-Workflow" by John Joseph Dobrowits
ISBN: 978-0-88362-718-1

download (free of charge)

Read more … JDF Workflow

JDF-Рабочий поток

JDF Workflow    JDF Workflow: JDF-Рабочий поток. Учебное пособие - Москва: "Академия медиаиндустрии", 2012.- 260 с.

Формат определения заданий (JDF) и формат обмена сообщениями о заданиях (JMF), основанные на стандарте XML, представляют собой одну из самых важных инноваций последнего времени для автоматизации печатного производства. Книга "JDF Workflow: Руководство по автоматизации в индустрии графических коммуникаций" показывает, что это больше, чем просто формат данных, предоставляя всестороннее исследование формата, а также рабочих процессов, которые можно построить с помощью JDF.


Авторы: Томас Хоффман-Вальбек, Себастьян Ригель
Перевод книги "Der JDF-Workflow"
Инвентарный номер: 22270

Опубликовано Академии медиаиндустрии

Скачать (бесплатно)

Read more … JDF-Рабочий поток

Le Flux JDF

Le Flux JDF     Le Flux JDF - Manuel pour l'automatisation dans l'industrie graphique

Consacré au flux de production sous JDF, le présent ouvrage est une introduction à la technologie JDF/JMF. Le "Job Definition Format" and "Job Messaging Format" se basent sur la norme XML et constituent l'une des innovations majeures de xes dernières années en matière d'automatisation de la production dans l'imprimerie.


AuteursThomas Hoffmann-Walbeck, Sebastian Riegel
Traduction du manuel "Der JDF-Workflow": Patrick Vreven
ISBN: 2-8052-0089-6

Read more … Le Flux JDF

Flujo de Trabajo JDF

JDF Workflow    El flujo de trabajo JDF - Libro de texto sobre automatización en la industria gráfica

Job Definition Format (JDF) y Job Messaging Format (JMF), basados en el estándar XML, constituyen una de las innovaciones recientes más importantes para la automatización de la producción de impresión. JDF Workflow: Una guía para la automatización en la industria de las comunicaciones gráficas, demuestra que es algo más que un formato de datos al ofrecer un examen exhaustivo del formato, así como del flujo de trabajo que puede construirse con la ayuda de JDF.


AutoresThomas Hoffmann-Walbeck, Sebastian Riegel
Traducción del libro de texto "Der JDF-Workflow": Miguel Menéndez
ISBN: 978-84-616-3926-7

Descargar (gratis)

Read more … Flujo de Trabajo JDF


Videos und Tutorials

There are currently four entries in this section: The first video shows and explains the type of work done at an Interop face-to-face meeting. In the next, Dr. Rainer Prosi, CIP4's Chief Technical Officer, discusses CIP4 technologies of (X)JDF and their impact in the printing industry. The third entry is a link to Solimar Systems video interview about JDF. The last post is a link to the CIP4 expert training videos. It is a series of 13 videos that explains in detail the basic features of JDF and its applications.





Twice a year, CIP4 organizes Face-to-Face meetings: InterOps.

These InterOp meetings are organized worldwide and are split into two distinct phases, the technical interoperability testing phase and technical work group phase.

XJDF, INDUSTRY 4.0, CIP4, PRINECT - Dr. Rainer Prosi · Heidelberg/CIP4

Link to Solimar Systems' video interview about JDF

Video interview between Drew Sprague, President of Solimar Systems and Pat McGrew from McGrewGroup, discussing some of the benefits, capabilities and use cases for JDF and XJDF.  The Solimar Systems workflow automation software platform, named Chemistry, offers several integrated suites which can generate JDF Job tickets as well as read and write JDF, XJDF and JMF.

The CIP4 expert training videos can be viewed or downloaded from the the tutorial page on Confluence. Please follow the link.


The presentations were created for certain events such as seminars, fairs, congresses, etc. The respective creators of the presentations are responsible for the content. CIP4 does not guarantee the accuracy of the slides.




Workflow Automation

Definition Workflow, Metadata, Process-Resource Model, (X)JDF/(X)JMF

2023 PDF



2023 PowerPoint pptx


Industry 4.0 with XJDF and JDF

JDF, XJDF, PrintTalk, PDF Metadata (English , Japanese)

2018 PDF


CIP4 and JDF: 15 years dedicated to graphic industries workflow automation

JDF, XJDF, PrintTalk, PDF Metadata

2016 PDF


Process Automation with XJDF, JDF and PDF

Process Automation with XJDF, JDF and PDF

2016 PDF



Process Automation with XJDF, JDF and PDF

2015 PDF


XJDF - The Future of JDF

Evolution from JDF to XJDF

???  PDF



The relationships and differences between JDF, XJDF and ICS

2022   PDF


XJDF for Developers

Details of XJDF are explained and many examples of code snippets are presented.

2017  PDF


XJDF - Onlineprint

XJDF, PrintTalk and ICS documents will be covered using digital printing as an example, as well as the ways of working in CIP4.

2018  PDF


White Papers

The following CIP4 white papers present some aspects of(X)JDF in a concise way to give you an easy introduction to this complex subject. The aim is to provide you with a technical overview of a specific topic in just a few pages.





PDF and JDF – The second Generation

Published 2023 jointly by CIP4 and BVDM

The specifications for PDF and CIP4 JDF have recently experienced their first major version stage. The new formats for PDF 2.0 and CIP4 XJDF (JDF 2.x) enable a wealth of innovative applications related to document exchange and workflow automation. Two current bvdm white papers show what potential the new standards hold for the industry. A recent paper published jointly by CIP4 and BVDM summarizes the major findings of the technologies". Please download here.




XJDF – Building blocks for the “Printing Industry 4.0"

Published 2022

CIP4 BVDM collaboration on XJDF white paper on Printing Industry 4.0.

Please, feel free to download our whitepaper XJDF - Building blocks for the "Printing Industry 4.0. It is aimed both at users in print shops and at software and interface developers in the supply industry.




XJDF and JDF Side by Side

Differences and similarities between JDF and XJDF using the example of ConventionalPrinting job

2017 web page

XJDF - The evolution of JDF

Differences between JDF and XJDF

2015 web page